Redirect Manager Cannot Detect Your Server

If you see a warning in the Redirection Manager that “We cannot detect your web server” then this article will help you.

The Redirection Manager in All in One SEO Pro supports either Apache or NGINX web servers. If your server is running something different than these, then it's possible that we are unable to detect it, or do not support it.

When this happens, and you've selected Web Server as the Redirect Method, then you'll see a warning as shown below.

Warning message in Redirect Settings stating that we cannot detect your web server

If you see this warning then the solution is to select PHP instead of Web Server in the Redirect Method setting.

Redirect Method setting in All in One SEO Redirection Manager

Once you do this and click Save Changes, the redirects will work.

This feature was added in All in One SEO version 4.1.0.