Setting the Content Publisher for Twitter

Twitter lets you link your content to the Twitter account for your organization. They display this in the footer of your Tweets when you share content on Twitter.

All in One SEO makes it easy to link the Twitter account for your organization to your content. This is also known as the Twitter Site URL and is displayed in the source code of your site as the twitter:site meta tag.

Setting the Twitter Site URL

To set the Twitter Site URL, click on Social Networks in the All in One SEO menu.

Social Networks menu item in All in One SEO

In the Social Profiles section you should see the Twitter URL field. Paste the full URL for the Twitter account for your organization into this field.

Twitter URL field in Social Profiles settings

That's all! You've now added your Twitter account for your organization so that it may appear when your content is Tweeted.

Twitter lets you link your content to the Twitter account for your organization. They display this in the footer of your Tweets when you share content on Twitter.

All in One SEO makes it easy to link the Twitter account for your organization to your content. This is also known as the Twitter Site URL and is displayed in the source code of your site as the twitter:site meta tag.

Setting the Twitter Site URL

To set the Twitter Site URL, click on Social Meta in the All in One SEO menu and scroll down to the Twitter Settings section

You should see the Twitter Site field. Enter the username for your organization Twitter account including the @ symbol into this field and click the Update Options button.

That's all! You've now added your Twitter account for your organization so that it may appear when your content is Tweeted.