Choosing Which Content to Include in Your Video Sitemap

By default, the Video Sitemap in All in One SEO will include all content which you've chosen to show in search results.

However, you may want to choose which content you submit to search engines.

If that's the case, All in One SEO can help you.

To get started, go to Sitemaps in the All in One SEO menu and then click on the Video Sitemap tab.

Video Sitemaps tab in Sitemaps menu in All in One SEO

In the Video Sitemap Settings section you'll see settings for Post Types and Taxonomies. By default, these are set to include all post types and taxonomies.

Default Post Types and Taxonomies settings for Video Sitemap

If you want to change which content is included in your Video Sitemap, uncheck the Include All checkbox and you'll see a list of all the post types and taxonomies for your site.

Post Types and Taxonomies options showing individual post types and taxonomies

Now you can uncheck the box for any content you don't want to include in your Video Sitemap.

You'll notice that Categories and Tags are not shown in the Taxonomies setting. This is because categories and tags in WordPress do not support videos in the Description field.

By default, the Video Sitemap in All in One SEO will include all content which you've chosen to show in search results.

However, you may want to choose which content you submit to search engines.

If that's the case, All in One SEO can help you.

To get started, go to Video Sitemap in the All in One SEO menu.

You'll see a setting for Post Types. By default, this is set to include all post types.

If you want to change which content is included in your Video Sitemap, uncheck the boxes for any content you don't want to include and click the Update Sitemap button.

There's no setting for Taxonomies in versions before All in One SEO v4.0.

Any content that has been set to Noindex under All in One SEO » General Settings » Noindex Settings will not appear in these settings.

Search engines can still index your content and display it in search results even if its not included in your sitemap. Including content in your sitemap just means it’ll be added, updated and deleted on search engines much faster than waiting until they find your content on your own.