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If you haven't heard of Baidu before, then now is a good time to look into it. Baidu is China's leading search engine with a staggering local market share of 66.25% (March 2019). It is also the second largest search operator in the world after Google, and the latter only has a local market share of 2.91%.
If your website is frequently visited by or targets the Chinese audience, then you should definitely consider adding your website in Baidu Webmaster Tools. Fortunately, All in One SEO help you easily verify your website with Baidu.
If you've already verified your site with Baidu Webmaster Tools then you don't need to do it again. You only need to verify your site once when you first add it in Baidu Webmaster Tools.
First, you'll need to head over to Baidu Webmaster Tools and log into your account (or sign up if you haven't got one yet). Keep in mind that you'll need a Chinese phone number to create an account.
Now that you're logged into Baidu, please follow these steps:
- Enter your domain name and indicate whether your website is using HTTP or HTTPS. Then, click the “Next” (下一步) button
- Select the industry your business or blog belongs to
- Copy the HTML verification code that is displayed under the HTML tag (HTML 标签验证) option
- Go to General Settings in the All in One SEO menu and then click on the Webmaster Tools tab
- Click on the Baidu Webmaster Tools block and enter the HTML code you've just copied into the Baidu Verification Code field
- Switch back to Baidu to complete the verification process by clicking the “Complete Verification” (完成验证) button
That's all! Your site should now be verified with Baidu.